Email Security Scanning


Some email security solutions can cause communications coming from Broadcast to report inflated metrics. Adding your Dedicated IP address and our admin messaging IP to your security software’s allowlist can eliminate these problems.


This is an approximation based on average time spend for existing Cerkl Broadcast clients.


Network Security Expert
Mail Server Expert
These are the suggested technical resources needed to complete this task.

Security & Broadcast

Email security software is critical to keeping your employees safe from malicious communications by stopping suspicious messages and/or opening and clicking through emails to ensure there are no dangerous links. However, we don’t want these security tools to intercept comms from Cerkl Broadcast and prevent them from getting to your audience or to contribute to inflated opens or click-through rates in your insights. Fortunately, we have a few courses of corrective action here.

Preferred Solution

Our preferred solution to prevent email security tools from interfering with Broadcast’s functionality is adding the dedicated IP address (IC customers only) that your instance is sending from to your security software’s allowlist. This should permit Broadcast’s emails to hit your Subscribers’ inboxes uninhibited and without unrealistic open and click-through metrics.

Other Solutions

If adding your provisioned sending IP to an allowlist isn’t an option, we fortunately have two additional options:

  1. We can add your static email security software’s IP address(es) to a blocklist on our side, which will allow us to stop security events from getting logged in your Broadcast insights.
  2. We can apply a machine-learning model that will correct for email scanning events like artificially rapid opens and clicks.
If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach to our team via email or use the chat bot in the bottom right-hand corner of any page for a quick answer.
Email Security